Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kaiden Updates!

Kaiden holding mommys hand
Kaiden before he went this morning

holding mommys hand again...with his iv in his little head

Kaiden has mommys wedding ring in his had thats how tiny his hands and feet are

Hello All!

Kaiden went back in to the nursery this afternoon because he started breathing very fast. So for precaution they ran a bunch of tests and blood work and took a chest xray to see what was going on. All of his blood work came back ok but there was some fluid on his lungs still. He is on an IV antiboitic with the iv in his little head because hes a bit dehydrated and could not get it into his veins. the antiboitcs are for precaution reasons. His blood will go down to the nicu downtown and they will monitor it for 48 hours to make sure not bacteria grows in it. The nurse said he is doing fine and is not requiring any oxygen to breath he is doing it all on his own. His pulse is good and the oxygen level is in the90s where it should be. The nurse thinks that he is already working the fluid out on his own because he will be really calm and not breathing fast at all and then he will start breathing fast again. So far hes doing good so I will keep everyone posted on him. He will be on the antiboitic until monday and if he does good tonight on his sugar water through the iv he can have breast milk again tomorrow and come be with willy and I and go back just to get his antiboitics. Prayers that he will work it out on his own and he will be able to come home with us on Monday! Thanks everyone!!!


Courtney said...

congratulations guys! He is just adorable. Glad to hear you a both doing well and hope he can come home with you on Monday. Can't wait to see more pictures!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, he's beautiful! Lots of prayers going for you and your little guy.

danamarie said...

Thanks...hes doing well but now mommy developed punemonia so i am not doing well....feel ok but tired and groggy from all the meds they have me on....thanks for the prayers we appreciate it....Kaiden is coming home with mommy hopefully tomorrow too!!