Saturday, November 15, 2008

Updates and More from one tired mommy!

Twins 18 month pictures done at Sears. They were not cooperating at all with us this day so what you have here are the only good pictures we got of them. They did center them and move them in closer so you can see them better but they are good for the way they were acting.

my silly Elijah William...he just loves this silly face.
heres my silly Elijah again.....

Alydiah Mae...shes our little ham....she smiles for everything

the best picture we could get of the twins together....Elijah is watching Aunt Danielle and Alydiah is reaching for her puppy dog that she carrys EVERYWHERE

The best picture of Alydiah...
These were the twins 18 month pictures. I can not believe they are that old already. Time flys when your such a busy mommy. Elijah weighs 24 lbs and Alydiah weighs 21 lbs so they are still about 4 lbs apart which they have been since day 1. Elijah is 2 inches taller then she is too. They are doing well as far as being healthy too so were thanking God for that because lastyear was rough as far as sickness goes. Alydiah is working on all 4 of her eye teeth at once so she has been kinda cranky these days but that will pass with time too. Elijah has finally got his molars in and is working on 3 eye teeth at the same time so he as well is fussy too. Xavier is also doing well. He is up to 32 lbs and is just full of it. Mommy is having a hard time with dicipline with him right now. He does not like to listen to Mommy so when daddy is at work mommy has a rough day. Being pregnant does not help me eaither because I am always cranky.
Baby in mommy's belly is growing good and doing well. Started lastweek kicking like crazy and he sure is a mover. I do not sleep well lately because he does not like it when mommy lays on her side or her back so its really annoying. I have TONS of pillows all around me when I sleep. Hearburn has also settled in strong too so thats annoying!
Willy has picked up a second job on Thursday and Saturday nights at the farm scraping barns and bringing in cows for milking from 9pm to 3am so we dont see him a whole lot but the extra money is nice to get us out of debt quicker. So now that I have updated you a bit Xavier is finally sleeping now so I am going to hit the bed for the night without my hubby until 4am by the time he gets home and showers and into bed. So hope you all have a nice rest of the weekend and good luck to all you hunters out there!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your twins are adorable in their pictures! Must have been an off day! Love their outfits!