Thursday, October 30, 2008

ITS A.....

Well I had my ultrasound on Wednesday morning. Willy was able to go with me so that was really nice but he worked on the farm that night so he was with me long enought for her to tell me it was a .......... and then he said he was out from there. The baby looked really good! It was sure a wiggler and did not stop at all. The tech said it was hard for her to catch pictures because it was moving around so much. I am going to have to go back in 2-4 weeks when i get to about 22 weeks or so for another one because the tech and the radiologist said that it was too soon to see the heart chambers clear enough and parts of the brain and leg and arm mesurents.

Well this little GUY was very willing to show us his parts thats for sure. She had the color on the screen to see the cord while showing us the in between shots and he sure was loud and proud. So we have decided to name him Collin Robert when he deciedes to show up. Sometime in March 2009 due to a scheduled cscetion because i had one with the twins. My due Date is April 1st and they schedule 1-2 weeks ahead of time. So we shall see......his heartbeat was 158 and the ultrasound tech said that heartrate has nothing to do with the gender of the baby that is just a myth....

Well its 11:40 p.m. and I am never up this late but Willy is not home hes hunting this week so i am alone and i HATE being home alone but, I have early rising kiddos so GOODNIGHT all and have a good one!



Unknown said...

Congratulations on your little man. How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your boy! Love your name choice!