Monday, January 26, 2009

Updates again!

Hello All:

I went to the doctor on Friday and got some more news. I now have to increase my insulin by 5 units everyday. I am now up to 25 units in the morning and 15 Units in the evening. So far the numbers are being controled. I have to go do NST (non stress tests) about every 2 weeks and ultrasounds to make sure baby is doing ok and growing ok in there. His heartbeat is 145 so still strong and doing well. I hate this we have a name for him but I am not allowed to tell anyone what it was going to be Collin but we found a better name for him that fits with the other kiddos better! Thought I would give you an update....I have another appt of Friday this week and get all my fun stuff scheduled so I will keep u posted....Thanks for the prayers and concern!!!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Updates of my Pregnancy!

Well, I went to the doctor today and I have to be put on insolin. The numbers he had compared to the numbers the dietation had were different. I am going tomorrow to an appointment with a nurse to figure out how to inject myself. I have to have 2 shots one in the morning and one in the evening. I HATE needles and hope this is going to be as easy as it can be. I am gaining weight too fast and too much and he thinks the diabiates is the cause of it. Its not what I am eating because I am not eating nothing compared to what I was before I found out about this. Babys heartbeat was 150 today and kicking still so thats all good signs. So far so good! I have been doing the diet thing too and apparently its not doing what it needs to be doing to level my sugar levels. So hopefully all will go well and this is just a pregnancy thing and not a lifetime thing for me to have to deal with. Please keep me in your prayers if you think of it because this is going to be hard for me to have to do but I know I can do it!!! Thanks for Caring!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Dreaded Gestational diabetes!

Yes I was offically diagnoased with Gestational Deabetes. My sugar levels were all above 160 for my 3 hour glucose test. So I had to go and meet with a dieatritionist yesterday. I am put on a special diet for now to see if we can control the levels. It really sucks for me though because the foods that I can eat are all foods that I do not really like for snacking. I feel like I am starving. I know it will take some getting usto but she says i have to eat something because they dont want me to loose weight. Well come on when I am lactose and can not have milk or milk products nor cheese its kinda hard on me. The foods I want to eat like my crackers and fruit and puddings I can not eat because its the starch and fruits that make my sugar sky rocket. I have to test my sugar levels 4 times a day. Once in the morning when i wake up which is a fasting check (this morning was 94 and needs to be under 102) once in the morning after breakfeast (this morning was 122 and needsd to be under 125) once in the afternoon 2 hours after lunch and once 2 hours after dinner. Please pray that I can handle this with diet otherwise I will have to give myself inslin injections until I can keep it under control....As of right now baby is doing well and growing well and so am I. Growing well yes I am....babys sticking right out front....LOL Jan 14 I have another apt with my Doctor to see if i need the insulin or not so we shall see....Thanks for caring and checking my blog!